Hora Finita

What about my privacy and security in Hora Finita?

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Roles and rights in Hora Finita

Hora Finita’s roles and rights are set up in such a way that each role is given the rights necessary to fulfill the role, no more and no less. All users see only the data they need to make the promotion process run smoothly.

Once the doctorate has been completed, the data of the former PhD candidate will no longer be visible to the supervisors.

The system administrators link the users to the roles, keep an overview and ensure that the assigned roles remain up-to-date. When a user's role ends, the system administrators will delete  the account.

Manuscript, promotion and Cum Laude committee members do not have access to Hora Finita, but will receive a link to a screen with a security code that they must enter to see the relevant document or choice field that applies to them. They cannot see any personal data.

Personal data in Hora Finita

Personal data in Hora Finita comes from the HR system (RBS), plus what the person in question provides.

Only the data that is really needed for the following things are requested:

  • admission to the PhD programme;
  • planning and monitoring the progress of the PhD project;
  • the quality assurance of  the supervision of PhD projects  at Radboud University/Radboudumc;
  • reviewing and approving the manuscript;
  • details for registering at the Alumni Office;
  • data for registration on the degree certificate.

The data coming from the personnel systems cannot be altered in Hora Finita.

If changes are made to the personnel system, updates from RBS (daily) will be sent to Hora Finita. There is a link between RBS and Hora Finita

The other data in the system can be adjusted in consultation with the Faculty PhD Coordinator.

Retention periods

The retention period is the statutory retention period of 2 years, unless the data is required for the 6-yearly mandatory reports that the university and the faculties, research institutes or Graduate Schools must provide. The retention period for these elements is set at 10 years. 

At the end of the retention period, the system destroys the personal data.

For questions and/or complaints

Complaints about the processing of personal data are subject to the privacy statement of Radboud University: https://www.ru.nl/english/.../privacy-statement-radboud-university/.

With other types of complaints and questions, users can contact their Faculty PhD Coordinator  and/or Graduate School Coordinator, who are in contact with the system administrators.

If the system administrators cannot resolve the complaint, they can contact the supplier to resolve the complaint. It is a staged procedure.

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