Hora Finita

How do I edit an approved manuscript committee without starting a new round?

Updated on

The PhD project page can be found by:

  1. Click on the 'PhD projects' button.
  2. In the list, click on the PhD track you want to edit.

Delete the old member

Click on the 'Manuscript Committee' tab and scroll down until you get to item 2 - Manuscript Committee.

To delete the old member of the manuscript committee:

1. Click on the arrow in the row of the person you want to delete.

2. Then check the box behind 'disbanded'.

3. After that, scroll down and remove the date on which an invitation was sent to the manuscript committee member. You can do this by removing the numbers from the boxes one by one.

4. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

You will now see that under the heading 'disbanded' in the table appears 'yes'. 

5. Now click on the minus sign in the row of the person you want to delete. After this, a line will appear in the row of the respective committee member.

If the member you wish to delete is the chair of the manuscript committee, you must designate someone else as chair. This can be done by checking the box in the 'chair' column.

6. Last, click 'save' at the bottom of the page.

The manuscript committee member has now been successfully deleted.

Adding the replacing member

To add the replacing member of the manuscript committee:

1. In the bar, enter the last name (without prefix) of the replacing member and then click on the right person.

2. Click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

3. Then click the 'Send e-mail' button to navigate to a page with an invitation e-mail for the replacing manuscript committee member.

4. If you are satisfied with the (default) invitation e-mail, you can send it by clicking the 'Send' button.

The e-mail address of the replacing manuscript committee member is entered automatically by Hora Finita. Please check to be sure that it is correct.

Save changes

To finish, save your changes by clicking 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

The replacing manuscript committee member has now been successfully added to the PhD project.

Previous Article How do I manually send a reminder email to the Manuscript Thesis committee?