An approval process can be set per checkpoint.
Which user roles have to agree depends on the Graduate School and the checkpoints. If you as Graduate School coordinator do need to agree, you will receive an email at the time the checkpoint needs to be approved.
You receive an email
After the PhD candidate has submitted the checkpoint, the Graduate School Coordinator will receive an email containing a link to assess the checkpoint.

Fill in the result
The Graduate School Coordinator opens the link in the email and provides an assessment.
- Select the rating from the drop-down menu
You can add feedback for the checkpoint in the comments section.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click on:
- 'Save' to save and go back to the previous page.
- 'Save' to save and stay on the page.
- 'Submit checkpoint' to submit the checkpoint.

Checkpoint approved
When the checkpoint is completed, a notification is sent to the PhD candidate and the supervision team.
If the checkpoint is rejected, a notification is sent to the PhD candidate and the supervision team. Any comments from the daily supervisor will be included in the email.