Hora Finita

How do I change the deadline of a checkpoint?

Updated on

  • Log in to Hora Finita. 

Navigate to the relevant checkpoint:

  1. Click on the 'Progress' tab.
  2. Then click on the 'Checkpoints' tab.

This will lead you to a checkpoint overview page. Search for the checkpoint that you wish to alter the deadline for.

Hora Finita offers many ways to search for a checkpoint. We recommend searching for the PhD candidate who's checkpoint deadline you wish to alter. You can do this by typing the name of the PhD candidate in the 'PhD project' field and hitting the 'Enter' key. 

Click on the checkpoint that you wish to alter. This will take you to the checkpoint's page.

Here you can alter the checkpoint deadline.

Once you have altered the checkpoint, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on either 'Save' button.

The deadline of the date is now changed to the new date.

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