Hora Finita

How do I print a list of activities or courses?

Updated on

Step 1:

  • Log in to Hora Finita.

Navigate to the PhD candidates page by:

  1. Clicking on the 'PhD projects' tab.
  2. Then click on the 'PhD projects' tab.

This will take you to an overview page of PhD projects. Find the PhD candidate using the search fields.

We recommend using the 'PhD candidate' search field to find your candidate.

Click on the PhD candidate. This will take you to an overview page for that PhD candidate.

Step 2:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Click on the 'Portfolio items' button.

Step 3:

Click on the 'Report' button.

Step 4:

This will take you to the following page:

Click on the 'Print' button.

This will take you to the standard print page where you can print a report of the PhD candidates activities/course or save them as a pdf.

On the bottom-right of the page press the 'Print' button to print the document.

If you want to save the document as a PDF then:

Next to 'Destination', press 'Microsoft Print to PDF' to open a drop-down menu with several options, in this menu you can select the option 'Save as PDF'.

After selecting the 'Save as PDF' option, press the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page to save the document as a PDF.

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