Step 1: Navigate to the manuscript
Once a PhD candidate has submitted his manuscript for review, you will review an email notifying you of the candidate's submission. This email will contain a link directly to the manuscript page.

You will also find a new task on your dashboard in Hora Finita. Click on the task (Assess manuscript for "X" as PhD supervisor) to go to the manuscript page.
Step 2: Review the manuscript
Review the information submitted by your PhD candidate. Make sure that the manuscript contains a passage with the RDM description and the location of the research data.
You can download the manuscript PDF using the 'Download' button

1. First, you are expected to check the manuscript for plagiarism using the similarity check tool iThenticate. Within a few days after you have received the email with subject: 'Action required: [...]: Acceptance request of manuscript / Verzoek vaststellen manuscript' you will receive additional iThenticate login information and manuals. In the meantime, the manuscript will be uploaded to iThenticate by RU iThenticate support.
Once you have reviewed the manuscript and checked it for plagiarism: click on the 'checked' checkbox.
Note: the plagiarism check in iThenticate can be done by another PhD (co)supervisor. You can indicate this as soon as you have received the e-mail by RU iThenticate support. Only the first PhD supervisor can confirm the plagiarism check and assess the manuscript in Hora Finita.
2. Please indicate whether the manuscript is based on research data and if so, whether the Research Data Management complies with the current standard in the field.
3. In the assessment section you can either choose to approve or not approve the manuscript.
Add your motivation for approving the manuscript or for not approving it in the comment section.
4. Once you have completed you assessment click on the 'Submit assessment' button at the bottom of the page.
Assessment completed
You will now be taken back to the dashboard where you will receive the following message along with a new task to 'Propose Manuscript Committee from "X"'.
As PhD supervisor you will also receive an email, asking you to submit your proposal for the Manuscript Committee.

The PhD candidate will receive the following email: